The film 'The good, the bad and the ugly' is typical to its genre as it uses generic codes and conventions. The film fits the western genre well and it is easy for the audience to identify this. This is done through the repetition of Iconographies, Narrative, Representations and Ideologies that are used regularly across the genre. Audiences like genre texts as they like the familiarity of them and it gives them a choice. They are also very successful because they are favourite texts for many audiences. Predictability and Repetition could lead to boredom so genres like to change a few elements from time to time.
The good, the bad and the ugly
Iconographies- These are the typical visual symbols that the audiences uses to decode the genre. This film uses very typical iconographies to the Western genre. In a short clip from this film, we see many symbols of this. The characters are wearing hats, cow boy boots and holsters which have connotations of a typical western times, the gun has connotations shooting and violence, scenes that are expected from western films like itself. It is also set in a desert/the outback, a typical setting for a film of this kind. The setting also gives an indication of the time period this film is set in, as its very vast and lifeless.
Narrative- We can apply Propp's theory to western films as there is usually the typical hero and villain. It is clear that this film has a typical western narrative just from the title. 'The good, the bad and the ugly' makes it clear that there are three main characters in this plot, just as Propp said. We see this in the clip as three cowboys are having a shoot out. We see one defeat another and claim victory. This fits the typical narrative for a western film as we always expect someone to win and for a feud to occur. We can also apply Todorov's theory to this section of the film. The cowboys all stand around chatting and then all of a sudden a shoot out occurs, disrupting the equilibrium. One man is then shot, restoring the equilibrium and peace in the area.
Representations- In a typical western film such as this one, we don't see much representation of females. The main characters are male and they take on responsibility and power. We don't see any females throughout the scene, showing the dominance and control that they have. This is very typical of a western film. It's very very rare that we see females going out to fight and restoring the equilibrium. There's also a representation of age in the clip. All the characters we see are middle aged men. This is also very typical. Cowboys don't tend to be youthful or elderly and so it makes us even more familiar with the genre.
Ideologies- Although each film has a different set of ideas and beliefs. In western films there is a main concept/film. In each film there tends to be a battle break out and characters fight to hold their power. In this scene we see this demonstrated in the fight scene and it appears to be a main theme in western films.
Although it is hard to base an opinion of typical genre's on a short clip. I have come to the conclusion that the good, the bad ad the ugly is very typical of the western genre as is includes many of the codes and conventions of this genre.